School T-Shirts

School T Shirts (c) Kristen Dembroski

You know what happens when you’ve worked at a school for 7 years? You realize you’ve collected a looooooot of T-shirts. It makes me so happy when I look at them! Each is a unique and fond memory. Many are signed on the back in Sharpie.

Some of the wonderful T-shirts in the above collage are collected from:
* Our annual school Walkathon
* School musicals
* Foreign Language Week
* PBIS Shirts
* Volleyball T Shirts
* Jump Rope For Heart

I plan to always save every – shirt so that someday, I can make a quilt full of my favorite memories of teaching 8th grade!

P.S. How great is it to have a job where you are (occasionally) encouraged to wear a T-shirt to work!
P.P.S. Don’t even ask me how much I’ve spent on T-shirts. Yes I realize how easy it would be to figure out but I refuse to calculate the total!



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2 Comments on School T-Shirts

  1. Theresa
    February 25, 2014 at 5:34 pm (11 years ago)

    Try being the Student Council advisor in middle school for 26 years! … I have enough shirts to make MANY MANY MANY quilts! =D

    • kdembro
      February 25, 2014 at 5:39 pm (11 years ago)

      Theresa – ha! I can only imagine! I bet it would be one beautiful, colorful quilt though!


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